Thanksgiving Out There

Some of my best thanksgiving memories are the ones spent while cruising. Cruisers always seem to find a location to gather on this day of giving thanks and join in celebrations for a lifestyle few ever really know. Many Cruisers are away from home and family on a day that is usually all about home and family. Despite this they are welcomed into a larger family of fellow cruisers. Whether it is a large gathering of boats as seen in Georgetown, a smaller gathering of boats in a peaceful anchorage somewhere, or gathering a of kindred spirits at a cruiser friendly boatyard, all are welcome.
For me these were always events much like I imagined the first thanksgiving celebrations of our founding fathers. A group of like minded folks gathering to give thanks for what we have and what is to come. Each person no matter how rich or poor, no matter national origin or langue, is welcomed and made part of the community. All bringing tin foil covered bowls and platters of homemade (or more correctly boat made!) goodies to share with friends and fellow cruisers.
To me this is what thanksgiving really is about, no family drama or black Friday sales to fight through. No stress of having to impress others with fancy cooking and dress, or getting up at 4 am to fight a crowd of greedy shoppers. Just a simple gathering of new and old friends giving thanks for beam reaches and colorful sunsets at anchor. Cruisers know only too well the hardships of beating into a relentless 30 knot head wind, or the misery of being cold and wet while having to hand steer at 2 am because the autopilot crapped out. Likewise we know the joy of a million stars in the clear night sky while sailing offshore or the joy of a simple breeze on your face while relaxing in the cockpit with a drink in hand and your girl at your side. We can give thanks for a warm shower and a safe anchorage after a long passage. We have given up the comforts of home and the daily rat race to find the simple pleasures life can truly provide.
Although we may be far away from home and family on this day of thanks we find we are welcome in a larger family of cruisers. Our home is where we are at any given moment, no matter where that may take us. For those out there we wish you fair winds and calm sea as we give thanks for the little things in life that make it worth living.
Capt. Wayne & Teresa